Month: July 2021

Advice to The One Who Does Not Want to Get Pregnant Due to Fear of Pain By Shaykh Abdullāh bn AbdirRaḥeem al-Bukhārī This questioner says; what is your advice for a woman who does not want to conceive because of her fear of pain. She also claims that she is not prepared for it and that she’s still young. The advice for the likes of this sister is that:This statement is only due to the fear caused by Shaitan(Devil), so she should not follow it nor ...

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Extreme Love of Money: A Great Fitnah (Tribulation) By Shaykh Muḥammad bn Ghālib al-Umarī Shaykh Muḥammad bn Ghālib al-Umarī: The nature of man is that he loves Money. The one who hates and abhors money can't be found. However, (there's) a difference between you possessing money and you being possessed by money i.e Money is the one that has a dominion over you and you are not the one who has a dominion over it. This is Fitnah ...

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What is the Best Book Written On the Prophetic Biography By Shaykh Arafaat bn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī May Allah be good to you O esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says: What is the best book written on the Prophetic Biography? Shaykh ‘Arafaat bn Hasan al-MuhammadīThe books of Biography are many. And the sources of biography, we have talked about them in details in the beginning of the lessons in prophetic biography – in the first lessons. And we have mentions that the ...

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Ruling On Listening To Islamīc Nashīds | Shaykh ‘Arafāt bn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī Questioner: May Allāh be benevolent to you, esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says, what is the Ruling on Listening to the so called Islāmic nashīds? Shaykh Arafaat bn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī: There is nothing found in our religion called Islāmic Nasheeds. This is empty speech. Why was it ascribed to the Religion? Religious Nasheeds or Islāmic Nasheeds. Why did they ascribe them to the religion? The ...

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The Ruling On The Conversion of Churches to Masājid By Shaykh Abdullāh bn AbdirRaḥeem al-Bukhārī Shaykh 'Abdullāh al-Bukhārī (The Questioner) is asking about the ruling on the conversion of churches to masājid The answer is that, it is permissible. (Because) it has been done (before). I say: It has been done (converted) during the time of the righteous predecessors (from amongst the companions ) And this (converted Masjid) became a place where they would worship Allāh (mighty is His ...

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Ponder Over This Ḥadeeth By Shaykh Abdullāh bn AbdirRaḥeem al-Bukhārī Ponder! (over this) The prophet says as it is reported in the Saheehayn: (Bukhari and Muslim)“Whoever believes in Allah and the last day should either say good or be silent.” We have said this more than once that speech and silence can fall into four categories: Speech that you will be rewarded for, and speech that you will be sinful for; then silence that ...

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Is The Raka’ah Repeated If One Misses The Recitation of Al Fātihah By Shaykh ‘Arafaat bn Hasan Al-Muhammadi Questioner: May Allāh be good to you O esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says If the Ma'muum (the one being led in Ṣalaah) prays behind an Imām in a Silent Prayer and the Imām made Rukoo', before the Ma'muum completed al-Fātiḥah. So, he left what remained of al-Fātiḥah and he followed the Imām. However after the Tasleem (salutation indicating the end of Ṣalaah) of the ...

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What’s the Authentic Name of the Angel in Charge of Death? By Shaykh ‘Arafaat bn Hasan Al-Muhammadi Shaykh 'Arafaat bn Hasan Al-Muhammadi: And the Author mentioned that it's not authentic that the Angel of Death's name is ‘Izrā'īl. And this, as mentioned by the Author, -na'am- if it has been reported in some narrations, then these narrations are all weak and unauthentic. So from the actions of the angels... This Noble Angel was named by Allāh ‘Azza wa Jall in the ...

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Is it True That Shaykh Rabee’ bn Haadi Al Madkhali Changed? By Shaykh ‘Arafaat Al-Muhammadi Questioner: May Allāh be good to you O esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says did Shaykh Rabee' (may Allāh preserve him) change? Shaykh 'Arafaat bn Hasan Al-MuhammadīThese are the books of Shaykh Rabee' before us and they're many and have been compiled.Majmoo' Al-Kutub war Rasā'il Wal Fatāwā(compilation of Books and Treaties and Religious Verdicts of Shaykh Rabee' ), read them and explain to us where ...

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