Month: August 2021

Benefit From Social Media By Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Fawzān al-Fawzān Questioner: The questioner says, our esteemed Shaykh, (the use of) the social media and the internet has become widespread. We wish from you an advice for the students of knowledge and callers, regarding the beneficial use of these media in propagating Tawḥeed. Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Fawzān al-Fawzān Na'am. These media have good and bad, it is upon you to benefit from it's goodness: and that ...

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Adhere to That Which is Beneficial to You | Shaykh Muḥammad bn Ghālib al `Umarī Shaykh Muḥammad bn Ghālib al `Umarī: Set your sights on beneficial affairs and work towards actualizing them. Ponder upon what will benefit you and busy yourself with that. And do not pay attention towards detrimental affairs. And do not pay attention towards the worries and sorrows that have happened to you. For verily, from the means of its departure, is being busy with something ...

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O Women of The Muslims! By Shaykh Khālid bn Ḍaḥwī aẓ-Ẓufayrī Shaykh Khālid bn Ḍaḥwī aẓ-Ẓufayrī: O women of the Muslims! Fear Allāh! Fear Allāh, the Most High, with regards to your assignments that encircle your necks. Be good to your children by way of (giving them) a beneficial Islāmic upbringing. And strive in the preparation of the children – a sound and prosperous preparation. Because the woman has more intense effects on her children ...

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Steadfastness In Times Of Tribulations By Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān Questioner: May Allāh be benevolent towards you O esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says; what are the means of steadfastness upon the religion in the time of tribulations? Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān: Holding fast to the Book (the Qur'ān) and the Sunnah. And accompanying the people of truth and sitting with them. And asking the people of knowledge. Na'am. via:

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The Month Of Sha’ban and Righteous Actions | Shaykh Dr. Muḥammad bn Ghālib al-’Umarī Shaykh Dr. Muḥammad bn Ghālib al-’Umarī: The month of Shāʾbān —may Allāh preserve you— is a virtuous month. And from the actions that the servant should be diligent upon in this month (are): Firstly: Fasting a lot in Shāʾbān. The Prophet ﷺ used to fast a lot in the month of Shāʾbān. ʿĀʾishah, may Allāh be pleased with her, said: The month which the ...

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What Is Salafiyyah And Who Are The Salafis By Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī Shaykh Muhammad Aman al-Jami The Meaning of Salafiyyah: It is the correct understanding of Islām. It means, the methodology that the pious predecessors were upon. And that methodology was not put in place by man (waḍ`ī) nor is it ijtihaadī. It is a methodology taken from the Book of Allāh and the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ. It is the methodology that the Prophet ...

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“SAY: THE FIRE OF HELL IS MORE INTENSE IN HEAT” By Shaykh Khālid bn Ḍaḥwī aẓ-Ẓufayrī Shaykh Khalid bn Dahwi az-Zufayri: O Servants of Allāh, verily, what we experience in this world of heat should be a lesson and warning for us. We remember during it, the Fire of the hereafter, perhaps we would seize the means to safety and salvation from it. Allāh, the Exalted and Most High says (what means): “And they said: "March not forth in the ...

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The Authenticity Of The Principle “THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS” By Shaykh Muqbil bn Hadi al Wadi’ee Questioner: What is the authenticity of the widespread principle: "the end justifies the means". Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādi’ee: This is a communist principle and it is not an Islāmic principle. As for Islām, no. Sins is a reason for defeat as for the Muslims, they do not take any means except legislated ones and they do not take prohibited means because, it is ...

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When To Say The Takbeerāt For Transition In Ṣalāh by Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān Questioner: O Shaykh, we observe that some of the Imāms say Sami’a Allāh liman ḥamidaH (Allāh hears the one who praises Him) when they stand up completely and this is in opposition to the Prophetic guidance. Perhaps there is a directive regarding that. Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān: Yes, Sami’a Allāh liman ḥamidaH is said when transiting from the Rukū’ (bowing position) to the ...

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Ruling Upon Who Claims to Know The Unseen by Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān Questioner: He says; the verse, the All-Knower of the unseen, none knows it but Allāh. What is the ruling upon who claims to have the knowledge of the unseen? Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān: He, the Exalted, said (what means): “(He Alone) the All-Knower of the Gha'ib (unseen), and He reveals to none His Gha'ib (unseen)." Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He ...

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