Questioner: May Allāh be benevolent to you, esteemed Shaykh, this questioner says; is it permissible to refer to the people of innovation as our brothers? Shaykh Arafaat bn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī: The basis with respect to the people of innovations is that they are boycotted and warned against, and are not sat with nor are they praised. This is the basis. That does not mean ... Shaykh AbdulLah bn AbdirRaheem Al-Bukhari At any rate, this methodology and that is the manhaj of the muwāzanāt i.e the mentioning of the good and the bad (qualities).It has two sides, the First side; when I am writing the biography of an individual, I will speak about him as someone writing his biography (i.e I will mention everything about him); "He was amongst the ...
✓ WRITING "SAW" AFTER THE MENTION OF THE PROPHET (ﷺ) Whenever you are copying from the Muhsin Khan translation of the Qur'ān, beware of the SAW after the name of the prophet (ﷺ), remember to erase it and write the full one. It is not permissible to abbreviate the Salawaat, either by writing just ص,صلعم, SAW or PBUH. The Permanent Committee of Scholars in Saudi ... Questioner: Esteemed Shaykh, the questioner says: If striving towards (establishing) an Islāmic state is not from the Salafī call, does this mean that the Salafī should not think about this at all and should not wish for that in his heart? Shaykh Aḥmad bn Yaḥyá an-Najmī: Allāh, the Exalted and Most High, did not command us to call towards (establishing) an Islāmic state. He ...
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