Month: September 2021

How To Deal With The One Who Swears That He Is Not An Ikhwani by Shaykh Rabee’ bn Hadi al-Madkhali Questioner: How do we deal with the one who swears that he is not amongst the Muslim Brotherhood despite the fact that his actions and ideology is the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood? Shaykh Rabee' bn Hadi al-Madkhali: If he swears, despite our doubt in his honesty, because they are people of pretence and lies, and they swear, and he will attest to the ...

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Allāh Does Not Wrong Anyone By Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān al-Fawzān From the believers is one who does righteous deeds and strives in the path of Allāh and does not abandon any opportunity for good except that he does it. Then he dies and he does not obtain any of his reward; why? Because his reward is in the hereafter. His reward was not in the worldly life. His reward ...

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Ruling On Electronic Currencies By Shaykh Arafaat bn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī Questioner: May Allāh be benevolent to you, O Esteemed Shaykh, this questioner says; What is the ruling on dealing with electronic currencies like Bitcoin and other than it? Shaykh Arafaat bn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī: After reading and research, we discovered that these currencies contain risks and we also discovered that there are many of these syndicates; money laundering syndicates, drugs and weapons (trafficking) syndicates, benefit ...

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