On the authority of Abū Hurayrah, may Allāh be pleased with him, Allāh's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “When one of you perfects his Islām, for every good deed he does, ten of its like to seven hundred of its like is written for him, and for every bad deed he does, one of its like is written for him.” Read below or download eBook PDF ...
https://youtu.be/Mikl1539bys And they accept the rulings of the scholars from the aspect of accepting Khabar ath-thiqah . It is not blindfollowing. They have lied and sinned with their claim that accepting the ruling of the scholar who is well-acquainted and insightful of the firmly established statements regarding the knowledge of the fundamental principles of the Salafī methodology is from the aspect of blind-following. NO. It ...
https://youtu.be/EAhNXIKb_xE There's no doubt that from the completeness of (one's) uprightness is for a person to perform what the Prophet, may Allāh send His blessings upon him and his household and grant him peace, advised with.The Prophet, may Allāh send His blessings upon him and his household and grant him peace, said: “By Allāh, you will not enter the Jannah until you truly believe. And ...
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