Imām Al-Lālakā'ī -rahimahullāh- said: “No greater crime has been committed against the Muslims than debating with innovators, and they (people of innovations) have never been subjected to greater defeat or humiliation than what the (pious) predecessors left them upon in that entirety dying in ruins, and finding no way to show their innovations. Until the deceived ones came and opened a path for them to ... Shaykh Abū Sulaymān Fuʾād Ibn Aḥmad ʿĪsā Az-Zintānī: He (the questioner) says we have some people moving from one place to another, calling people to Islām with the methodology of debating the christians openly and overpowering them with what is in their (christians') books. Then a caller who was a graduate of the Islāmic University of Madīnah was asked regarding them, then he praised ...
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