Allāh, the Blessed and Most High, says (what means):
“And among mankind is he who worships Allah as it were, upon the very edge (i.e. in doubt); if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him, he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts back to disbelief after embracing Islam). He loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is the evident loss.” [al-Ḥajj:11]
He worships Allāh upon the very edge, he is not firm …good and benefit only. So if he finds good, he is content therewith. (But if) he finds a trial, problems, destruction, he turns back on his face. He turns back on his face, he is not firm. This (act) negates the firmness that is sought from the believer. He does not turn away from this firmness; not because of worldly (gains), not because of trials. He does not leave due to this, (rather) he remains firm. Even if the mountains shake, even if there are violent storms, he remains firm upon the truth.
The one whom Allāh wants good for is firm upon the truth. Even if the number of his enemies multiplies, and the trials multiply, and hardships and adversities increase, he does not budge.
The Messenger narrated that verily (among) those who came before us, a believer used to be brought forward and a sword would be placed on his head and he will be split into two halves and that will not turn him away from his religion.
And he (the believer) is not allured by money, and he is not frightened by swords, nor by threats, and he is not allured by ambitions and greed, nor by anything. He places the world beneath his feet and he places trials –all of it– beneath his feet.
And whatever you face, is in the path of Allāh. Everything he faces of harm, he believes that (it is because) Allāh, the Exalted and Most High, loves him. When Allāh loves a people, he tests them. So, whoever is pleased, for him is (Allāh’s) pleasure and whoever is angry, for him is (Allāh’s) anger.