Shaykh ʿArafāt bn Ḥasan Al-Muḥammadī
Is there any evidence for the one who says it’s not permissible to broadcast the news of a newly born child on social media?
Why do you broadcast [it]? What do you want from this broadcasting? What’s this? We have become like madmen on these media.
We expose information regarding the home, sisters, and aunts—this is an error! I do not advise with this at all.
Use these media for knowledge—for benefiting only.
And then, don’t you fear the evil eye for yourself? You might be affected by the evil eye. The evil eye is true.
And some of them take pictures. Everything [that happens, the next thing is] to take pictures. Then, he sends it on social media; “see, see.”
Leave this. Especially you the callers and students of knowledge.
Don’t ever share anything about your personal information. What’s the benefit [in this]?
Share knowledge. Share the Sunnah. Share the exegesis of the Qurʾān. Share the narrations of the Companions.
Teach people the creed. Teach people Tawḥīd. Call [people’s] attention to the errors that are widespread among people in their societies.
As for pictures and [personal] information—just as if we are laymen or as if we have journalists, newspapers, and empty speech—this is not appropriate at all for the student of knowledge. He should not busy himself with these things.
جزاكم الله خيراً وزادكم علمًا وفهمًا
وأسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان يتقبل منا ويثبت قلوبنا على دينه ويصرف قلوبنا على طاعته.