Indeed, people are overwhelmed by what they call ‘artificial intelligence’. So you will see many people enjoying the information that reaches them in response to their questions that they directed to this artificial intelligence.
Thus, here is where I pause to caution my brothers, the people of Islām. Do not believe the disbelievers that this intelligence answers your questions with all transparency or that it has not been subjected to certain beliefs. Rather, it is compulsory to know O Muslim, that this intelligence is programmed by humans with a huge amount of information that has been published through the media and the Internet. It answers you by tracking your interests and monitoring the subjects of research that you discuss with (those in) your surroundings.
Whoever does not believe should look at how many times he found himself in front of a passing piece of information that came to him, on Facebook for example, that he had talked about with someone or even with himself, or an issue he had discussed with a friend in one of his gatherings, and then he sees that information reaching his hearing or sees it right in front of him, so he is amazed by it and amazed with it and says; SubhānAllāh! I was looking for this, and it came to me like a peeled banana ready to eat.
So, do not think that this came spontaneously without intent. Be careful.
Artificial intelligence is a human invention and programming, you may taste honey (in it), but some poison might have been stuffed (in it) by enemies, so be careful, especially with regard to what concerns the religion of Islām, and Allāh aid is sought.
Written by; Ash-shaykh Abū Muhammad Salāh Kantūsh Al-‘Adanī, (may Allāh preserve and protect him).
25th Rabi’ Ath-Thānī 1446AH
28th October, 2024.
Source: The official Telegram of Shaykh here.
Translated by Abu Haleemah Kamaldeen.