Esteemed Shaykh, the questioner says: If striving towards (establishing) an Islāmic state is not from the Salafī call, does this mean that the Salafī should not think about this at all and should not wish for that in his heart?
Shaykh Aḥmad bn Yaḥyá an-Najmī:
Allāh, the Exalted and Most High, did not command us to call towards (establishing) an Islāmic state. He commanded us to call towards at-Tawḥeed (worshipping Allāh alone without any partners) and towards the fundamentals of Islām.
And whoever is established as the head of the state and the centre of leadership, when we see an error from him, we advise him privately, and we clarify what is compulsory for us to clarify to him. And it is not upon us to think about us creating an Islāmic state. This is left to Allāh, the Exalted and Most High.