May Allāh be good to you. The sixteenth question from Egypt.
He (the questioner) says:
Is it permissible for a woman to mention her name in forums or is it obligatory upon her that she has a kunya and what is the proof that taking a kunya is Sunnah?
The Shaykh (‘Ubayd Al-Jābirī) rahimahullāh answered:
Firstly, taking a kunya from -in itself- is permissible both culturally and legislatively (religious) and I have made clear the ways of taking kunya that are available in these present era and I hope that it is present in Sahāb ( or in other than it from the salafi websites. And I will not mention them here because time will be prolonged on those present.
Secondly, how many times have I advised our daughters not to participate in forums as it is the situation of many Muslim women?
She participates in anything and she exposes what is with her to everything, rather the affair reached with the sick ones sickness of the hearts in men and women- the point that he (the man) would try to be in seclusion with her through the internet, then they would (both) talk with the excuse of da’wah and this is an obscene error, these people are strangers.
Rather, even the refutations between the people of knowledge, I advise the Muslim that he should not enter into it. The people of knowledge refute one another.
Likewise, if a Muslim woman has a good question she writes it and spread it, she writes it and spread it without debates and conversations, she shows it to the Muslim women and she doesn’t try to enter into discussions because it is established with us that some who are sick in their hearts join forums with the kunya of women, Umm Ahmad, Umm Fulān, Umm Bakr while he is a male.
What is good for the woman and more preserving of her religion and honour is that she should not write on forums. Rather, she reads what the people of knowledge spread from different affairs regarding the foundations of the religion and its branches. Breaks…. Na’am.