Scholars of Islam had talked about watching movies generally, whether it is related to Islam or not, watching movies include fixing gazes on opposite sex i.e man fixes his gaze on female actresses (who wouldn’t dress in the correct Hijab) and a woman fixes her gaze on male actors and Allah has commanded us to lower our gaze. Watching these movies is a clear transgression. Allahul Musta’aan.
These movies include tunes from musical instruments and Allah has made music forbidden.
Abu Malik al-Ashari reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Some people from my nation will drink wine, calling it by different names, and musical instruments will be played for them and girls will sing to them. Allah will cause the earth to swallow them up, and he will turn some of them into apes and pigs.”¹
Calling to Allah has its way, you must only follow the way Allah has prescribed in calling to him and that is through Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah, it is through starting with Tawheed. We don’t call to Allah through means that are Haraam, we do not call to Allah through buffoonery, tricks and deception. The Film is Haraam, how come do we take it to be a means of Da’wah?
Da’wah is expected from a person who knows what he is calling to. Unfortunately, actors and actresses are from the worst of people; they do not have any portion of the knowledge. They are people who do not even live their lives according to the Islamic standard. How come we see these people as people who could rightfully convey Islamic knowledge? A woman who is not shy to mix with male freely on the movie set and present herself to the world to watch, what Islam do you learn from her?
A man can accept Islam through any means, and it is not a justification for the acceptability of that means. The Shia do call to Islam and people do accept Islam through them, yet this action of theirs doesn’t make them to be upon the right path nor does it legalize promoting them or taking from them.
Diriliş Ertuğrul in itself has been said to be a film that promotes several political thinking that are against Islam, that is the reason why you see people from deviant sects of Ikhwanis and the Khawārij promoting it, it is not permissible for a Muslim striving upon the Manhaj of the Salaf to watch such a movie or promotes it.
Anybody who wants to learn about Islam should sit with scholars and learn from them, he/she should pick up books that discusses the Islamic field of knowledge and read, or that he/she finds tapes of lectures and classes. This is the correct way of learning Islam, and it is not by sitting and feeding the eyes with what Allah has made forbidden for it.
We ask Allah to ease our affairs.
Mubaarak Olayemi Ismail
1. Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 4020 (Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani)