Question asked on Yawm al-Khamis 18th Shawwāl 1443AH [Thursday, 19th of May, 2022]
In our country, Nigeria, some of the blind followers of Ibn Hādī speak ill of the students of knowledge in charge of the Daʿwah in the West, like Abū Khadījah ʿAbdul-Wāḥid and other than him. They tarnish their reputation and they say that they are ignoramuses who have no knowledge. So what is your advice to the general people that are deceived by disparagement of these blind followers?
May Allah reward you.
Shaykh Saalim Bāmihriz;
Hayakallah, our brother Abdurrahman.
Wa alaykumu ssalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, Baarakallahu Feek
The callers, Mashãyikh in the Birmingham Centre, and in Britain and from them those who are in America. The senior scholars have bore witness for them for their good and blessed Da’wah upon the Salafi methodology and from them is Shaykh Abū Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid, Abu Iyaad (Amjad Rafīq) and other than them from their brothers in this center: Abu Hakeem (Bilãl Davies), I can’t remember all their names presently, Abu Muaadh (Taqweem Aslam) also, I know these people and I have visited them several times in Birmingham and these people are in cities and good striving and blessed Da’wah.. (not clear)
No one speaks against them or diminish from their status except an ignorant person, or a deceived person or a Hizbi (Partisan, innovator) or a person that is far from the correct Salafi methodology.
Thee have been certified by the Senior scholars; Shaykh Rabee’ and Shaykh Ubayd and their likes.
And the likes of these people i.e general people that are insulting these Mashãyikh, it is from their ignorance and it is from them being deceived by the people of desires. Don’t be worried by their words. We ask Allah to guide and rectify them
Baarakallahu Feek.