[Questioner] says:
How do I escape from sins and transgressions?
You escape by repentance, by returning to Allāh. Remember death and remember the first night in the grave.
And remember that you will regret remorsefully and that these sins will lead you to destruction. And remember also that Allāh commanded us with repentance and returning (to Him) and that He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Merciful.
He is happy by the repentance of His slave and He extends His hands to the sinners in the day and the sinners at night. And if the affairs is like this, then, you escape from the transgressions and the sins.
When you fulfill the conditions of repentance, then, Allāh will accept your repentance. Stop this sin and stay far away from it. And it’s upon you never to return (to tje sins) and you regret (doing it).
And if it involves the right of others, then, fulfill the rights. And the successful one is the one whom Allāh made successful. Then, increase in supplications that Allāh count you amongst the successful, the firm, the aided by the will of Allāh.
Then, look into this transgression or sin in itself, what has caused me to fall into it? Some say, “I look at forbidden things”. Stay far away from this looking. Don’t open these pathways. Don’t open the website. Don’t enter into these websites that you know are the causes of transgressions and sins.
Or (some say), “I communicate with a lady”. We say, stop this communication. Delete the number. Stay away from this lady.
Or (some say), “I go to the place of so-so”. Don’t go there. Go to the place where there is goodness and benefits.
And that’s it. But the affair is broader that that. But as Allāh said: “And all of you beg Allāh to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful” [Muhsin Khan].