All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection.
Lesson On The Affairs From Days Of Pre-Islamic Ignorance by Shaykh Muḥammad bn ʿAbdilWahāb رحمه الله
With The Explanation Of Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān حفظه الله
Taught By Ustādh Sa’eed Rhana حفظه الله
Points discussed during the class:
- The sixth aspectTheir reliance on what their ancestors were upon as a proof.
- The fanatism of the people of the old
- What exageration leads to.
- The extremism of the sufis.
Questions asked:
- What is the ruling on using thread to plait the females hair?
- What advise would you give to someone who has lost the zeal for seeking knowledge and it has been replaced with chasing the dunya?
- I’m a business man and my business property is calculative in a manner which I would receive 20% of the property. I made a will that 20% of this would be used for sadaqah. Can I use part of this for my mother?
- As a business man that lives in a society filled with internet fraudsters. Can I advertise my market to them?
- What’s the rulings on using relaxer on female hair? (these are kind of hair softener and the likes)
- In the case of divorce, which of the parents receives the custody of the children?
- A woman purposefully left her husband house without going back for many month. But the husband has called people’s attention to this but it’s still futile. And the husband has decided to divorce her. Although she has made a vow not to enter the husband’s home again. Can the iddah be done outside the husband’s home?
- Aside from Sultan, can any other person be a Waliyy for the woman whose are all non-muslim?
- Is there anything wrong if a sister writes jokes or cracks jokes on her WhatsApp status even though non-mahram can see it?
- How can women be helpful on the field of da’wah?
- What advice can you give concerning reading from a book with a magical belief, and other unrealistic ideologies?
- Can I sell fabrics to people who might go out without jilbaab?
- Regarding the hadith that was reported that if forty people pray on a dead person without associating partner with Allah, that Allah would make it shafaaha for the dead Muslim. In regards to people who were once mushrikuun but have repented from shirk, will Allāh ﷻ still accept the shafaaha?
- Can I advertise my goods to people who earn through haram means?
Listen to other lessons in the series HERE