All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection.
Lesson On The Affairs From Days Of Pre-Islamic Ignorance by Shaykh Muḥammad bn ʿAbdilWahāb رحمه الله
With The Explanation Of Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān حفظه الله
Taught By Ustādh Sa’eed Rhana حفظه الله
Points discussed during the class:
- The obligation upon the jinn and mankind.
- The principle of the Khawarij.
- Worship and Ibaadah (their legislation).
- The clarification of the religion through the prophets and messengers.
- Those following the people of the days of ignorance in our times.
- The danger of following desires.
- The Mercy of Allāh upon His slaves.
- The saying of the salaf upon a corrupt scholar.
- The order to cling onto the Deen.
- What we should always seek after.
- The state of the Arabs before the Prophet ﷺ was sent.
- What happens when one leaves the Kitaab and Sunnah.
Questions asked:
- Knowing that it is disliked to stand while eating or drinking, a friend asked what about while walking i.e eating while walking. What is the ruling on eating while walking?
- When we tell people that the problem of insecurity and poverty in our country is due to shirk, our sins and how much we’ve moved away from Allāh ﷻ, they make references to countries like United Kingdom, United States and Frenance and how they are deep in shirk and sins like homosexuality and yet they are living a better life. How do we convince these people that people living in those countries are facing their own punishment in their own ways and they shouldn’t be deceived with this trap.
- Can someone wipe over the turban while performing ablution?
- If we are observing solah due to rainfall at home, should we call the adhan?
- Someone told me that saying wa iyyakum as a response to JazakumuLlah khayraa is not really authentic. What should we say as a response to someone who says JazakumuLlah khayraa to you?
Listen to other lessons in the series HERE