All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection.
This is a lecture delivered by Dr. Abdulillah Lahmami حفظه الله on the 16th Sha’baan 1443AH/19th March 2022.
O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious) [Baqarah: 183]
Points discussed during the class
- Reminder regarding Ramadan as Allah has said in the Qur’an.
- Reminder from the Hadith of the prophet ﷺ ‘Be mindful of Allah and He will protect you…’
- The command of Allah for us to fast.
- The people of the book changing the Deen.
- What we should do if we want our fast to benefit us.
- What we should be doing in Ramadan.
Questions Asked
- What is their ruling those who claim that Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah has some errors in his books and they criticize him alongside Shaykh Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab?
- Is there any difference between seeking sustenance and accumulating wealth?
- I understand that as Muslims we’re not allowed to celebrate birthdays, anniversary and others like them. Is it permissible for a Muslim to bake cake for for the celebrants during this occasion?
- Is it permissible to use substances like concocted lotion rubbed on the body for remedy against magic (Sihr) and other kinds of spiritual attacks?
- Is it better to pray Tarawhih prayer at 11 units or add even numbers in the midnight after praying behind the Imaam?
- Is it allowed to give out the fidyah on behalf of the one who’s legally excused from fasting in cash?
- Kindly benefit us with words of advise regarding our roles as youths in the spread of this noble Da’wah in our community.
- Is it permissible to go and study alone in a country without a mahram? If themahram travels with you, then he goes back.
- Advice on how to give dawah to one’s family.
- I am one who normally has anxiety. Presently, I am having anxiety about falling short of Ramadan (audhubillah). Please advice on how to go about this affair and managing anxiety in general.
- Can an Imam be using al-Qur’an for Khutbah on Jumu’ah instead of writing all his thesis in a paper format?
- If a person was negligent or forgetful concerning the Zakah and didn’t pay it at the appropriate time but at a later date. Would the Zakah be paid a year from the later date it was paid or a year from the actual time it was supposed to be paid?
- If I am spending on Haram provision and I made Du’a to Allah ﷻ and He didn’t answered my dua. Will I get some benefit from this unanswered dua (whether in this Dunya or in Akhirah)?
- We have pigeons that we do rear and we do remove their feathers so they won’t fly away. Is this action of ours correct?
- What should I do if my parents won’t allow me to travel to seek knowledge due to fear of insecurity?
- I heard a statement from one of the Kibar that it is not obligatory to obey parents in what benefits you and what doesn’t harm them. For instance one wishes to travel to seek knowledge and they are not pleased with that. Is this statement correct or there is more explanation to this?
- There is a sister from amongst my family who invited me to Salafiyyah and I have recently seen a change in her. She used to be a sister that was steadfast and righteous but now seems to be very lazy with every aspect of the Deen and started watching movies, series etc and every time I try to advice her she dismisses me away.
Please advice me on what I can do or say to this sister. - Is it permissible to call someone you haven’t yet gotten married to? To prefer to him as husband although a date has been set for marriage.
- What is the best manner to explain the methodology of the Salaf to ones sibling who claims they started practicing the Sunnah before the younger sibling was born?