Shaykh Rabee’ Bn Hadee al-Madkhali:
The believer must be clever, alert and sensitive. He stops by every verse, pondering over it. [He asks himself:] “What does Allāh intend with this verse? What does Allāh intend?” He endeavours to understand it.
So whatever he finds (in the Qur’ān) of persuasion to do good, he takes it in it’s entirely, as much as he is able.
And whatever he finds in it of evil, he’s cautious of it and he endeavours to place between him and the evil barriers and partitions.
Hence it is upon us to contemplate this Qur’ān, so that we understand the stories of the prophets and we know about the death and endings of their enemies and what they will encounter of recompense in the hereafter.
You –and all praise is for Allāh– read the Qur’ān. We do not read the Qur’ān for blessings and we do not read it simply for obtaining ranks.
We only read it to attain understanding in it; in it’s beliefs, it’s worships, and impartial and immaculate conducts and bad and hideous conducts, so that we can be cautious of it.
We are cautious of every evil and we cling to every form of good.
Due to this, the Qur’ān was revealed. The Qur’ān was revealed due to this; to cultivate the Ummah.
To cultivate the ummah upon the truth and to cultivate it upon honesty and to cultivate it upon virtuous morals –may Allāh bless you– and to cultivate it upon the avoidance of evil, every category and form of it — every evil; relating to beliefs, methodology, politics, economy and so on.