Shaykh ‘Arafāt bn Ḥasan al-Muhammadī:
The questioner says: What is your opinion about Azhar University in Egypt?
Azhar University in Egypt establishes the Madhav if the Ashā’irah.
It spreads it and aids it.
It also establishes the doctrines of Sūfiyyah and it spreads it.
Check their website and look at their call to grave worshipping and supplication to the dead and seeking help from them. The official University account.
Translated by Markaz As-Sunnah Ghana Editorials.
Shaykh Muwaffaq Abu Hamzah al-Jabūri:
Question: Shaykh, what is the ruling of studying at Al-Azhar (University in Cairo)? What ‘Aqīdah is being taught there? What methodology does it follow? May Allah reward you with goodness.
Wa ‘alaykumu ssalaam wa rahmatullahi wa baraakatuh.
Studying at Azhar is not befitting for the people of sunnah, because their ‘Aqīdah is ‘Ash’ari, their methodology is Sufi, and their thought is Takfiri.
And they hate the people of Sunnah severely. If they know that you are upon the guidance of the Salaf or you take the methodology of the Salaf regarding Allah’s attribute and that, from Ibn al-Qayyim and Ibn Taymiyyah and other than them – they will expel you from the University and chase you away.
It is not befitting for a person of Sunnah to go to them. May Allah bless you.