Shaykh Fu’ād az-Zintānī
Brother ʿAbdur-Raḥmān Al-Muʿallimī says:
As-Salām ʿalaykum wa raḥmatullāh wa barakātuH.
Wa ʿalaykum as-Salām wa raḥmatullāh wa barakātuH.
There is something called Al-Jumuʿah As-Sawdāʾ. It is referred to here in Arabic language as Al-Jumuʿah Al-Bayḍāʾ(White Friday) and as Black Friday in the west. It happens on the last Friday in the month of November of the Gregorian calendar every year. And this day is the first day of Christmas sales. And on this day, goods are discounted in price. What is the ruling on participating in this day? And What is the ruling on benefiting from it?
If what you intend with participating [in this day] is buying what a Muslim is in need of ranging from commodities that are discounted on this day, then there is no wrong in it, and there is no objection against it. So there is no problem for a Muslim to buy what he is in need of without extravagance and squandering.
And he should not buy what is prohibited from what is related to their festivities, as this is not permissible, whether on this particular Friday or other than it.
And naming the day as black Friday, White Friday, etc, is not from speaking ill of the time, nor does it come under it. Just as Allāh said regarding days of evil omen: {This is a distressful day}. So this is not regarded as speaking ill of the time.
But it is permissible for a Muslim to buy what he is in need of on this day from the discounted [commodities].
And it is imperative for the Muslims to not imitate these people in giving out discounts on this day.
But if those people give out discounts, then there is no problem for the Muslims to benefit from that.
And Allāh knows best.
Shaykh Sālim Bahmihriz
Wa ʿalaykum as-Salām wa raḥmatullāh wa barakātuH.
These trivialities—may Allāh bless you, our brother ʿAbdurraḥmān—is from blindly imitating the disbelievers. [Unclear word], then we blindly imitate the disbelievers in every minor and major affair.
They call it black [Friday] and we call it white.
Why this absurd blind imitation that is imperative for the believer to rise above?!
My brother, infact, it is imperative that we sell at discounted prices and aid people, everyday. This does not harm us so far we earn our profit, and blessing will be in that [for us].
But as for discounting prices because these disbelievers also do so, then that is Imitating them blindly. This is an imitation that indicates weakness in methodology and faith. And we ask Allāh for pardon and safety.
And Allāh’s aid is sought. How many of these that we see! Allāh’s aid is sought. Allāh’s aid is sought.
Shaykh Sa’d Al-Muhammadi
All praise is for Allah and may He extol and send blessings of peace upon our Prophet our prophet, the trustworthy one Muhammad the son of Abdullah, his companions and those who follow his guidance. To proceed:
It is not permissible to participate in these festivals, that is, the Christmas festivals nor other than them from the festivals specific to the disbelievers, nor in even the festivals specific to the Muslims but oppose the religion and legislation of Allah, and oppose the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet ﷺ.
It is not permissible to participate in innovated festivals whether they are for the disbelievers or by the Muslims—not in their beginning, their end, their preludes, or in their means, such as serving food and provisions, or participating by providing money, a place [for the occasion], or putting efforts in it by assisting with it with his body, money, provisions, or stores. It is not permissible for a person to participate in them.
The people of knowledge say that: “The means have the same ruling as the goals/ends.”
So, whatever is prohibited and one becomes sinful by doing it, then any means leading to it is also like that.
“The means have the same ruling as the goals/ends.”
So, it is not permissible to participate in them.
Furthermore, if some stores reduce the prices [of goods] due to this festival or other than it, there is no harm for a Muslim to buy his permissible provisions from these stores for himself and his household. There’s no harm in him benefitting from this reduction in price because this is not under his control as they do this customarily. So, there’s no harm in a Muslim benefitting from this. He should buy permissible provisions.
As for him buying unlawful provisions that are specific to this festival or other [such festivals] from them, it is impermissible to buy them, sell them, or engage in such trades.
However if there is a reduction in price for whatever reason, be it a Shariah-compliant reason or not—like them reducing prices due to this Christmas—there is no harm for a Muslim to benefit in this reduction [in price], because it is not his own action nor intent [to participate]. And Allah knows best.