When you are warning against participating in elections, how will the Muslims access the government and (get to) rule with the (islāmic) legislation?
Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādiʿī
The one who thinks he will access (the government) through elections is a fool! A fool!! A fool!!!
The person who wins elections is the one that has millions of american dollars, and he visits the elders of the tribes at night and the electoral officers and others too. This is the one who wins elections.
And even if a righteous man wins an election, the government will direct machine guns at him. Because, they are not prepared to cede (power) through [mere] elections.
So we will (continue to) teach (the religion of Allāh), Allāh willing, in the limits of what we are capable of. And Allāh’s aid is sought.