Tag: Admonition

The Evils Of Public Debates: Benefits from Imām Al-Lālakā’ī (رحمه الله), Shaykh Nizār bin Hāshim Al-Abbās and Shaykh (Dr) Abu Mu’ādh Ḥasan Al-Mirdawī (حفظهما الله)

Imām Al-Lālakā'ī -rahimahullāh- said: “No greater crime has been committed against the Muslims than debating with innovators, and they (people of innovations) have never been subjected to greater defeat or humiliation than what the (pious) predecessors left them upon in that entirety dying in ruins, and finding no way to show their innovations.  Until the deceived ones came and opened a path for them to ...

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Ruling On A Debate-Based Da’wah | Shaykh Abū Sulaymān Fuʾād Ibn Aḥmad ʿĪsā Az-Zintānī

https://youtu.be/Cc4mJfu23Kw?si=TiAd3xNTHkb8QEEP Shaykh Abū Sulaymān Fuʾād Ibn Aḥmad ʿĪsā Az-Zintānī: He (the questioner) says we have some people moving from one place to another, calling people to Islām with the methodology of debating the christians openly and overpowering them with what is in their (christians') books. Then a caller who was a graduate of the Islāmic University of Madīnah was asked regarding them, then he praised ...

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The Commandments Revolve Around That Which Benefits

Shaykh Al-Islām ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله said: As for sadness, neither Allah nor His Messenger ﷺ commanded with it. In fact, he had prohibited it in different places, even if it is connected to the religion. Like His statement: ﴾وَلَا تَهِنُوا۟ وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا۟ وَأَنتُمُ ٱلْأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ﴿ “So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be superior (in ...

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Guarding Allah’s Order on Earth: Upholding Tawheed and Avoiding Mischief

Shaykhul Islām Ibn Taymiyyah قدّس الله روحه said: And the statement of Allah, the Most-High: ﴾وَلَا تُفْسِدُوا۟ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ بَعْدَ إِصْلَـٰحِهَا﴿ “And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order.” Most of the (Qur'an) exegetes said: Do not cause mischief there with sins. And the one who calls to other than the obedience of Allah after Allah has set ...

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Earthquakes: A Reminder And Punishment From Allāh

Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān Al-Fawzān (حفظه الله) mentioned: “Fourthly, among the tribulations: ‘There will be many earthquakes (zalāzil),’ it is the plural of zilzāl—and refuge is sought in Allāh—and it is the shaking of the earth. “Allāh made the earth stable and firm, and he stabilized it with the mountains, so that people can live on its surface. “So in the end times, the shaking ...

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Masāʾil Al-Jāhiliyyah – Lesson 24

All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection. Lesson On The Affairs From Days Of Pre-Islamic Ignorance by Shaykh Muḥammad bn ʿAbdilWahāb رحمه الله With The Explanation Of Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān ...

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