Tag: Admonition

Exercising Patience During Afflictions | Shaykh Abdul-‘Aziz bn Abdillāh bn Bāz

https://youtu.be/HZ8pbKWFsCQ Shaykh Ibn Bāz (رحمه اللّٰه): “What is compulsory for every male and female believer during afflictions is to exercise patience and not to grief. For these are affairs that Allāh has written and decreed. They can't be helped. So, what is compulsory during afflictions is to exercise patience and during favours is to show gratitude. And this is an abode of affliction and trial. ...

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Rebuking Those Who Remove Photography From The Prohibition Of Image-making

On the authority of Ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنهما): I heard Allāh's Messenger ﷺ say: “Every image maker will be in the Fire. A soul will be made for him for every image he made and he will be punished with it in Hell.”¹ Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzān Al-Fawzān (حفظه الله) commented: “This ḥadīth also contains a severe threat. His statement, ‘Every image maker,’ encompasses ...

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Exercising Patience During Afflictions

Shaykh Ibn Bāz (رحمه اللّٰه) said: “What is compulsory for every male and female believer during afflictions is to exercise patience and not to grief. For these are affairs that Allāh has written and decreed. They can't be helped. So, what is compulsory during afflictions is to exercise patience and during favours is to show gratitude. And this is an abode of affliction and trial. ...

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Sharing Information Regarding One’s Personal Life On Social Media | Shaykh ʿArafāt bn Ḥasan Al-Muḥammadī

https://youtu.be/YaRhebx4Wrk Shaykh ʿArafāt bn Ḥasan Al-Muḥammadī Is there any evidence for the one who says it's not permissible to broadcast the news of a newly born child on social media? Why do you broadcast ? What do you want from this broadcasting? What's this? We have become like madmen on these media. We expose information regarding the home, sisters, and aunts—this is an error! I ...

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Advice To The Muslim Youth | Shaykh Munīr bn Saʿīd As-Saʿdī

https://youtu.be/OiIXNFxKrG4 The other group: They are those youths and young ladies, those who organize love and romantic parties. And they also celebrate this day, just as like the Christians. And they exchange romantic messages and red roses. And perhaps, a young man might go out with a young lady to a restaurant or a recreational park or a public place, and they would be celebrating ...

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Refuting Some Of The Doubts Of The Misguided Deceiver Who Permits The Celebration Of The Prophet’s Birthday

Questioner Muḥammad from Morrocco. May Allāh grant him success and set his affairs aright. As-Salām ʿalaykum wa raḥmatullāh wa barakātuh. Our Shaykh, may Allāh preserve you, one of the supporters of the celebration of the Prophet's Mawlid (birthday) said this: “We do not say that the commemoration of the birthday is compulsory. Likewise, there is no evidence in what they mentioned on its prohibition. And ...

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