On the authority of Ibn Jubayr, he said: Ibn Abbās said to me: “Have you gotten married?” I said No. He said: “Then get married, for the best of this nation had the highest number of women.”¹ In Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr (2/19): “But as for if the intention behind (marrying) them is chastity and having many children, then this is desired, desirable and recommended, as ...
Ash-Sha'bi رحمه الله said: The Quraysh used to love 'Uthman to the extent that a woman would sing for her son, saying: أُحِبُّــــــكَ وَالرَّحْمَــــنْ ## حُـــــبَّ قُـــــرَيْشٍ عُثْمَــــانْ I love you, I swear by Ar-Rahman # as Quraysh loved Uthman. Kitāb Al-'Iyāl Ibn Abi Dunya No. 277 Page 435 Expressing Love To Children Writing and singing personalised poems for children is from the greatest ways ...
The first step to rectifying your children is rectifying yourself. You should rectify your intentions and purify it for Allāh alone. And you are educating your children as a form of ‘Ibaadah. Take parenting as a means and also an end in itself. It is a means to raise children upon righteousness by Allah’s permission, and also an end in fulfilling Allah’s commandment that we ...
Educating and cultivating our children upon righteousness is an obligation upon us as parents. They are trusts from Allah and He will ask us about how we cultivated them, Allah commanded us in the Qur’an: O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey ...
A transcribed lecture of Shaykh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid Alam My brothers and sisters, I welcome you, Baarakallahu feekum, to this conference here at Masjid Salafi. Today, which in the western calendar equates to the 24th of December in the year 2018. The theme of the conference relates to the Establishment of an Islamic home and the setting of an example for our youth. Meaning that, ...
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