With them - O Shaykh - in Nigeria, one of the callers, O Shaykh, he loves you and respects you, but he has some problems that has affected many of the Salafis, and he has some affairs.. Shaykh Rabī: (unclear) Questioner: He declared Shaykh 'Ubayd to be a Kāfir and Ibn Hajar before him and An-Nawawi and Ibn Khuzaymah to be Kuffār Another Questioner: ...
From the calamity that has befallen the Muslim youths of nowadays is that they do not bother to know who they take knowledge from, once they see anyone who claims for himself, Islam, Sunnah or knowledge, or he dresses like a Shaykh, they do not bother to know whether he is truly upon sunnah or not, and they take from him. This is wrong and ...
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