Tag: Innovators

A Question On Zakir Naik

All thanks to Allāh, the Lord of the universe. I testify that there is none that deserves worship in truth except only Allāh and no partner with Him, the friend of the righteous ones. I also testify that Muḥammad is a servant of Allāh and His messenger, may the peace and blessing of Allāh be upon him. To proceed; There is an Indian man whose ...

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Learning From Innovators? | Shaykh ‘Arafāt bn Hasan al-Muhammadī

https://youtu.be/aeodcdiiqN4 Questioner: May Allāh be benevolent to you, esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says; some people use as evidence for the permissibility of taking knowledge from the people of innovations, what occured from the scholars of accepting narrations of ḥadīth from them. Is this a correct inference? Shaykh ‘Arafāt bn Ḥassan al-Muḥammadī: The people of innovations, knowledge is not taken from them. This is the basis. ...

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When Is The Repentance Of An Innovator Accepted? | Shaykh ʿUbayd bn ʿAbdillāh Al-Jābirī

https://youtu.be/-3Z9NTHOmR4 Presenter May Allāh bless you, our Shaykh and may He be benevolent to you. The first question in this gathering says: When is the repentance of an innovator accepted and when is it not accepted? Shaykh ʿUbayd bn ʿAbdillāh Al-Jābirī The outweighing with us is that it is accepted, like every other sin. And as I have mentioned... Naʿam. Thus, all sins–Shirk and sins ...

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How To Deal With The One Who Swears That He Is Not An Ikhwani by Shaykh Rabee’ bn Hadi al-Madkhali

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KHPxDpvXk8 Questioner: How do we deal with the one who swears that he is not amongst the Muslim Brotherhood despite the fact that his actions and ideology is the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood? Shaykh Rabee' bn Hadi al-Madkhali: If he swears, despite our doubt in his honesty, because they are people of pretence and lies, and they swear, and he will attest to the ...

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