Tag: Money

Is It Permissible To Pay Ransom To Abductors Or Kidnappers

Question As-Salām ʿalaykum wa raḥmatullāh wa barakātuh. There is a situation in Nigeria whereby abductors are present. Currently, some individuals have been abducted, and the abductors demand the payment of an amount in return for their release. Is it permissible to pay a ransom to these abductors in this case? May Allāh reward you. Shaykh Muwaffaq Ḥusayn Al-Jabūrī “If you are unable to set the ...

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Extreme Love of Money: A Great Fitnah (Tribulation) By Shaykh Muḥammad bn Ghālib al-Umarī

https://youtu.be/rN4P7RbLiPA Shaykh Muḥammad bn Ghālib al-Umarī: The nature of man is that he loves Money. The one who hates and abhors money can't be found. However, (there's) a difference between you possessing money and you being possessed by money i.e Money is the one that has a dominion over you and you are not the one who has a dominion over it. This is Fitnah ...

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