Tag: rectification

Music Is The Intoxicant Of The Souls

Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said: “nd this is as was reported on the authority of ʿUthmān bn ʿAffān–may Allāh be pleased with him–that he said: ‘Fear intoxicants, for indeed, they are the mother of all filth.’ And a man asked a woman , so she said: ‘I will not do it until you prostrate to this idol.’ So he said: ‘I will not ...

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What Islam Says About Music

Allāh created us to this world and did not just leave us to while away all our time. He sent us Prophets and Messengers to guide us. Whosoever follows these Messengers will be rewarded with Paradise and whoever disobeys them would be punished by Allāh. Read below or download eBook PDF here. Download here

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Why The Muslims Are In A State Of Weakness

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728) said: “And when the Muslims are in a state of weakness, and when their enemy overpowers them, that is due to their sins and acts of disobedience: It is either due to their negligence with respect to fulfilling the obligations — inwardly and outwardly. Or due to their transgression by transgressing the boundaries — inwardly and outwardly. Allāh, the ...

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Means Of Rectification Of The Heart | Shaykh Muneer as-Sa’dee al-‘Adanee

https://youtu.be/4DVJIj8cXf8 So it is obligatory upon us, O gathering of Muslims, to strive towards the rectification of our hearts. And from the greatest reasons for its rectification is supplicating, just as the Prophet ﷺ used to supplicate. Supplicating and resorting to Allāh, the Blessed and Most High, to firmly establish these hearts upon his religion and upon believing in Him, and that He should turn ...

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How To Achieve Rectification Of The Society

Many of those who are supporting Sunday Igboho and Yorùbá Nation know that their means is not the right path to rectification, they are only frustrated by the level of insecurity and poverty in the country. It is good that we start preaching to people that Hunger and Fear are punishments from Allah, Allah sends both as punishment to people who do not obey Him. ...

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