Shaytān has several ways of beautifying his whispers of false opinions to appear correct to people and make oppression appear to them as justice. From the beautified whispers of Shaytān that has caused many youths to deviate is the statement “I don't want to get myself involved in the issue of who was refuted or labelled, I don't want to know about it.” Shaytan beautifies ...
Muhammad bn Sireen said: "Indeed, this knowledge is religion, so carefully consider from whom you take your religion” ¹ Islam can not be practised except with knowledge and the religious knowledge we acquire will shape our beliefs and actions. A good Muslim must be conscious of the sources from which he takes his religious knowledge because he is surely going to practise his religion based ...
Shaykh ’Abd al-’Azīz bn Bāz -may Allāh have mercy on him- said: And if the people of the Truth were to keep silent from clarifying it, the mistaken will continue upon their mistakes and other than them will blindly follow them in that and the silent ones will receive the sin of concealing (the truth) that Allāh promised them in His –the Exalted's– statement:Verily, those ... Questioner: What is the authenticity of the widespread principle: "the end justifies the means". Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādi’ee: This is a communist principle and it is not an Islāmic principle. As for Islām, no. Sins is a reason for defeat as for the Muslims, they do not take any means except legislated ones and they do not take prohibited means because, it is ... Questioner: What is the legislative ruling upon the one who says that earthquakes and floods are natural disasters? And do you have a book on this issue? Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādi’ee: All praise is due to Allāh, and may Allāh exalt the mention of our Prophet, Muḥammad and grant him peace, and his household, his companions and those that follow him. And I ...
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