Asking questions can be compulsory. If you are ignorant of an issue in the creed, an affair regarding worship—in your prayer or fasting—or in your dealings and transactions; you are afraid of falling into prohibited transactions, and the different types of usury; asking questions regarding what is compulsory for you to do; in correcting your creed and avoiding Shirk; in correcting your practicing of ...
ʿAbdurRaḥmān bn Mahdī reported: We were with Mālik bn Anas, then a man came to him and said: O Abū ʿAbdillāh, I have come to you from a distance of six months (of travel). The people of my land sent me to ask you about an affair. He (Imām Mālik) said: Then ask. So the man asked him about an affair and he (Imām Mālik) ...
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