Shaykh Sālih Fawzān al-Fawzān said: “And from the greatest causes of fitnah today is the mixing of women with men in offices, hospitals, schools, business places, buying and selling, parties, seminars and meetings and this is one of the greatest causes of temptation. Also from the greatest causes of fitnah is the mixing of men and women who display themselves adorned with all kinds of ... May Allāh be good to you. The sixteenth question from Egypt. He (the questioner) says:Is it permissible for a woman to mention her name in forums or is it obligatory upon her that she has a kunya and what is the proof that taking a kunya is Sunnah? The Shaykh ('Ubayd Al-Jābirī) rahimahullāh answered: Firstly, taking a kunya from -in itself- is permissible both ...
A woman is considered by the Arabs to be degraded and despised, they feel disgusted when her mother gives birth to her, to the extent that some of the Arabs in their days of Jaahiliyyah would bury her alive while she was just a baby. As for the Romans: Their civilization dictated that the man has total control and he has the right to kill ...
Ash-Sha'bi رحمه الله said: The Quraysh used to love 'Uthman to the extent that a woman would sing for her son, saying: أُحِبُّــــــكَ وَالرَّحْمَــــنْ ## حُـــــبَّ قُـــــرَيْشٍ عُثْمَــــانْ I love you, I swear by Ar-Rahman # as Quraysh loved Uthman. Kitāb Al-'Iyāl Ibn Abi Dunya No. 277 Page 435 Expressing Love To Children Writing and singing personalised poems for children is from the greatest ways ...
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