Answered by Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan.
Compiled by Shaykh Nizār Hāshim Al-‘Abbās.
What is the ruling on recording lectures and seminars on video device for da’wah (preaching) in Islamic countries?
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan:
Dawah had started since the era of the Prophets – peace and blessings be upon them, and it is still in effect, and photography is not used for it, so there is no need for photography. There is no need for photography.
The da’wah will be established without photography, and forbidden thing is not used for the sake of da’wah.¹
(Oh) Eminent Shaykh, are the images shown on television included under this ruling?
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan:
What excludes it from this ruling?
They are pictures, it is called pictures. What makes them different from this? If it on the television, do we exempt it? we don’t exempt it? No, they are severe images because they move. (They are) moving images.
They are images that also remain in these films for decades and hundreds of years. They are not like the image in the mirror which are shadows displayed continuously in a soul.
No, these are still images that remain that are used whenever they are needed to be used even after years, tens of years.²
What is the ruling on filming the washing and shrouding of the dead through a practical explanation so that the benefit will be general, knowing that the filming is only on video?
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan:
This filming is not permissible, this is Harām, and teaching should not be through a prohibited means, this is not permissible, and washing the dead, and praise be to Allāh, the Muslim learns it without photography and without….. he learns it from words and from action, he attends washing of the dead and knows how to wash, or he reads to know. Yes, but people overburden themselves. up until they began to enter upon (to video) the one praying while bowing and prostrating and such, and his hands and such, and how he performs ablution, they enter upon (to video) him while he performs ablution, meaning;
Have the people become to this extent like animals knowing nothing except what they see?!³
His Eminence – may Allāh Ta’ālā protect him – was asked about raising children with cartoon films aimed at teaching Islamic etiquettes?
He, may Allāh Ta’ālā grant him success, replied:
“Allāh forbade pictures and forbade owning them, so why should we nurture our children on it? Why should we Nurture them on something forbidden? On forbidden images and moving, talking statues that resembles human beings.
These videos are severe and it is not permissible to nurture children on it. This is what the disbelievers want. They want us to violate what the Messenger ﷺ forbade. And the Messenger, he forbade pictures and their use and acquisition, and these people promote them amongst the youth and amongst Muslims under the pretext of education! This is corrupt upbringing.
The correct education is to teach them what will benefit them in their religion and their worldly life.”⁴
Taken from At-Tadhkīr wa at-Tabsīr compiled by Shaykh Nizār Hāshim Al-‘Abbās
Translated by Abū Ḥalīmah Kamāldīn
Title By Ar-Risaalah Publications.
- Silsilah Sharh Kitāb At-Tawhīd, tape fifty-nine, minute five.
- Silsilah Sharh Kitāb At-Tawhīd, tape fifty-nine, minute ten.
- Recording from Sharh Zād al-Mustaqni’ dated 11/11/1429 AH.
- Tanbīhāt Muhimmah Li Shabāb Al-Ummah, p. 51, p. 52.