Imam al-Ḥusayn bn Masʻūd al-Baghawī said:
“The Prophet ﷺ informed us of the division of this Ummah, the appearance of Bid’ah and desires among them and he declared that whoever follows his Sunnah and Sunnah of companions will be saved.
So, it is obligatory upon a Muslim man, if he sees a man that is engaged in anything from the creed of Bid’ah and desires or he is negligent in anything of the Sunnah, to boycott him, free himself from him, and abandon him whether dead or alive.
He should not say tasleem to him when he meets him, he should not greet him if he (the innovator) initiates greeting until he leaves his innovation and returns to the truth.
As for the forbiddance of boycotting beyond three (days) is regarding negligence in the right of companionship and relationship that happens between two people, and not regarding the right of religion, for indeed, boycotting the people of desires and innovation is forever until they repent.”
Sharh as-Sunnah (1/224) | Translated by Abū Muḥsinah Mubaarak