Shaykhul Islām Ibn Taymiyyah said:
“It is obligatory to punish anyone who affliates to them, or defends them, or praises them, glorifies their books, or is known for helping and aiding them or hates talking against them or began to seek excuses for them by saying “he does not know what this statement means” or the one who says “he only compiled this book” and the likes of these excuses, that only an ignorant or a hypocrite would say.
Rather, it is compulsory to punish everyone who knows their condition and does not help in taking action against them, because acting against these people is from the greatest obligations; because they have corrupted the intellects and the religions of many mashaa’ikh and scholars, the kings and the rulers, and they are striving to cause corruption on the Earth and turn people away from the path of Allah.
Their harms to the religion is greater than the harms of those who afflict corruption on the Muslims in their wordly affairs and leave their religion, like highway robbers, and like the Tartars who would take their money and leave their religion for them. Those who do not know them should not underestimate them, for their misguidance and how they misguide others is greater than what can be described.”
Majmū’ al-Fatāwa (2/132) | Translated by Abū Muḥsinah Mubaarak