On the authority of Abū Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه), from the Nabiyy may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him, who said:
”Seven that will be shaded by Allāh, the most High, in His shade on the day there will be no shade except His shade:
- A just Imām.
- And a youth that was brought up in the worship of Allāh.
- And a man whose heart is attached to the Masjid.
- And two men that love each other for (the sake of) Allāh, they gather upon it and separate upon it.
- And a man that remembers Allāh in seclusion till his eyes are flooded (with tears).
- And a man that was called by a woman of (high) status and beauty and he says: “indeed I fear Allāh”.
- And a man that gives out charity, then he hides it until his left does not know what his right had given out”.
[Agreed upon]
Al-Imām ibn Al-Qayyim, رحمه الله said:
«And when you reflect on the seven that Allāh, The Mighty and Majestic will shade with the shade of His throne, on the day there will be no shade except His shade, you’ll find out that they achieved that (shade) by opposing the desires».
[Rawdah Al-Muḥibbīn (648)]