All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection.
Points discussed during the lecture
- Tawheed, the basis that comes first before unity.
- The rope of Allah according to the salaf.
- Worship being for Allah alone.
- The separation of people on the day of judgement.
- The foundation which we were created upon.
- Meaning of يعبدون according to scholars.
- What all prophets were sent to call their people to.
- Hadith of Mu’ādh bn Jabal
- Hadith of Ubaadah bn Sāmit
- The du’a of prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام for protection against shirk (He and his offsprings)
- The number of generation between Aadam and Nuh
- The truck of Shaytan for the people to start worshipping Idols and the steps he made them follow – Narration of Ibn Abbas.
- The evil consequences of shirk and Idols – Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān.
- The flood during the time of prophet Nuh and what happened to those Idols.
- The one who brought the idols to Makkah.
- The Hadith of Sahl bn Sa’ad.
- The sahaba not wanting leadership in affairs and their sincerity.
- The suwar revealed in Makkah in relation to Tawheed.
- The story of al-Isra wal Miraaj – The establishment of Salah.
- The deceit of those saying Tawheed is not important.
- Example of a form one can fall into shirk without knowing.
- What the Sunni-Salafi should be upon.
- Advise to stay connected to the Scholars.
Question asked:
- The affairs of some of the sisters. We have noticed among them ill manners in behaving with one another. Being disrespectful and not having the salafi adab and behavior with one another. And many of those affected with this behavior among the sisters are spreading it widely amongst others and it is becoming something we are fearing for many of those who are just starting to understand. If you can perhaps advice these sisters with regarding the fear of Allah and the way they behave disrespectful to one another.