May Allah be good to you O esteemed Shaykh. This questioner says: What is the best book written on the Prophetic Biography?
Shaykh ‘Arafaat bn Hasan al-Muhammadī
The books of Biography are many. And the sources of biography, we have talked about them in details in the beginning of the lessons in prophetic biography – in the first lessons. And we have mentions that the Noble Qur’ān is the first and major of all these sources. Then we’ll move to the Prophetic Traditions –the two Saheehs, Musnads, Mu’jams. Then we’ll come to Specific books, Books of Evidence, Books of Merits, Books of Specialties. And also, books of Military Campaigns and Biographies. All of these are the books of Biography. This is if he (i.e. the questioner) wanted an answer with regards to the generality of books and also the basic sources of this biography. Otherwise, detailed writings are very plenty. And the basis with regards to Biography is for you to return to the Old Books – Books of the Salaf. The Seerah by Ibn Hishaam and al-Maghazi of al-Waqidee and likewise the Tabaqat of Ibn Sa’ad.
And there are Extended books and summarized books. And the later scholars have also written many books on that. Like Ibn Katheer and adh-Dhahabee.
And there is a very great book with regards to biography that many overlook; Zad al-Ma’ād of Ibn al Qayyim (may Allāh have mercy on him). It is a precious book.
As for the commentary books, then they are plenty. And al-Albanī had written the Book Saheeh as Seerah but he died before completing it.
And in these times, many academic treatises were written on Military Campaigns, Expeditions and General Biography. And they are actually very good and beneficial. It comprises of investigations. Especially since they are Academic Treatises that have been examined and verified. Narrations regarding the Battle of Hudaybiyyah, Tabūk, Narrations of az-Zuhree and like the Expeditions in relation to Makkah and Madeenah and Banu Mustaliq.
And there is a book I advice the brothers with, and it is the book, as-Seerah an Nabawiyyah fee Dau’ al-Masadir al Aṣliyyah (The Prophetic Biography in light of the Pristine Sources by Dr. Mahdi Rizq Allāh Ahmad). It is a goof and beneficial book.