Shaykh Abū Sulaymān Fuʾād Ibn Aḥmad Ibn ʿĪsā Az-Zintānī
Abū Nūḥ Al-ʿIrāqī says: There are two individuals with the names Nāyif Aṣ-Ṣaḥafī and Manṣūr As-Sālimī, and many people have been deceived by them.
They are storytellers who tell stories such as the repentance of some people from their sins and weak ḥadīths.
And they sit with people of innovations such as Al-Maghāmisī and they took a picture with him.
What is their condition and should they be listened to? Because some people say, “we only listen to [their] recitation of the Qurʾān” and some say, “these two are the reason for my guidance.”
So, what is their condition? And what is your advice for the one deceived by both of them?
These men are both from Al-Ikhwān Al-Muslimūn (the Muslim Brotherhood). And the Ikhwān will begin with admonitions, softening [the hearts], stories of the repentance of the sinners, and so forth. They focus on sins.
And when they trap you in their nets, they immerse you in their misguidance. And afterwards, innovate [into the religion], and there’s no problem. Thus, you will enter into their innovations and misguidance—and refuge is sought in Allāh.
This is what they want and this is what they pursue.
You must beware, my brother. It is not everyone that was a reason for your guidance that will be correct and upon the truth.
A Tablīghī might come to you and bring you out of your sins, but he will immerse you into his innovation. This does not imply that his way is good.
Likewise, a Takfīrī will come to you and bring you out of your misguidance, I mean your sins, and you’ll think that this [i.e., what he’s upon] is the truth. No!
So, beware of these two men and do not listen to them. May Allāh bless you.