A question on the fear which a person fears in this life regarding sustenance and the things which surrounds it. He (the questioner) says;
So what advice would you advise the Muslims with in circumstances like this?
Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzīz bn Bāz:
I advise all the Muslims to fear Allāh and hope in Allāh and have good thoughts with his Lord and he should give importance to obeying Allāh and following what pleases Him and avoiding what Allāh has prohibited, and for him is glad-tidings.
Allāh says; I’m with my slave as he thinks of me and I’m with him when he remembers me. (Hadeeth; Bukhari and Muslim)
So it is upon him to have good thoughts with Allāh and steadfastness upon the religion of Allāh, and to encourage with truth and to advise his brothers, and for him is glad-tidings.
And (in) the authentic hadīth, he ﷺ said;
Beware of Ad-dhann (false-assumption), for indeed Ad-dhann is the most untrue speech.
He should stay away from false assumptions and have good thoughts with his Lord, he should strive with obeying Allāh, he should ask his Lord for wellness in his (sujud) (prostration in prayer), in the end of his prayer he should ask his lord for wellness.
The Prophet ﷺ said; ask Allāh for wellness in this life and the hereafter, for none is given anything better and more virtuous than wellness.
He should ask his Lord for wellness, he should ask his Lord for success and guidance, he should ask his Lord for a good ending and he should not have bad thoughts with his Lord, (all the aforementioned) with obedience to Allāh, with fulfilling His rights, with avoiding His disobedience, and advising with the truth.
Translated by Abu Haleemah Kamaldeen