All praises be to Allah. In the first part of this write up, we examined the claim of people who label brothers upon Salafiyyah because they believe they are limiting Salafiyyah to some certain personalities by testing people with them and they suspect such a person to be an innovator if he claims that he doesn’t love those personalities. By Allah, that is not Hizbiyyah, refer to the part 1 of this write-up to read the explanation regarding it.
Now, In Shaa Allaah, we would be examining another claim by people who labelled brothers upon Salafiyyah to be practicing Hizbiyyah under the garb Salafiyyah, they allege that this brothers have restricted Salafiyyah to the opinions of Shaykh Rabee’, Shaykh Ubayd and Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan which they perceive to be an action of Hizbiyyah, is the allegation true? If it is, is it truly an action of Hizbiyyah?
To refer to Shaykh Rabee’ and Shaykh Ubayd Al Jaabiree as the Jamaa’ah or the main body of this time is not extremism, it doesn’t mean that there are saints and they do not make mistakes. But from what is very obvious to us is that they are usually right regarding what they say and they do not talk except with valid evidences. If we have scholars who are known to be steadfast with Sunnah, there is nothing wrong in following them even in the matter we have no knowledge of.
Many do not have the knowledge of scrutinizing Ahaadeeth, but they believe in what Shaykh Al Albani declared to be sound even without them having independent evidences that the Hadith is truly sound, but they can not be blamed because we all bear witness to Shaykh Al Albani’s knowledge regarding science of Ahaadeeth and we trust him in that aspect. Just like we see a person who followed Shaykh Rabee’ and Shaykh Ubayd in the issues of Jarhu wa Ta’deel (Criticism and Appraisal), we do not know any man in this era to be knowledgeable of this field as the Shaykh mentioned, now following them even without independent evidences should not be regarded to as Hizbiyyah, it is not limiting Salafiyyah to them.
Moreso, these Mashaa’ykh has brought evidences against those they refuted, and they have been right according to the evidences both parties presented and Allah knows best.
And from what surprised us was that those people who alleged brothers to be upon Hizbiyyah are the real Hizbiyyah. Many of them are among those who defend and propagate Ali Hasan Al Halabi – the Innovator, they based Al Walaa Wal Baraa regarding him, they love those who call to him and hate those who warn against him, these — after evidences as being shown to them that this man is wrong in his affairs and he is an Innovator, they still follow and defend him, By Allah, this is Hizbiyyah!
They are hiding under the garb of Salafiyyah, and they are practicing Hizbiyyah. Hizbiyyah is partisanship, to unite and side with an individual, groups or a particular ideology that is in opposition to Kitab and Sunnah.
We advise our brothers to fear Allah regarding this affair, they should stop the false allegations and they should repent from this. We ask Allah to forgive us all.
Abu Muhannadil Maslool