All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection.
Lesson On The Affairs From Days Of Pre-Islamic Ignorance by Shaykh Muḥammad bn ʿAbdilWahāb رحمه الله
With The Explanation Of Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān حفظه الله
Taught By Ustādh Sa’eed Rhana حفظه الله
Points discussed during the class:
- The fifth aspect: Relying on what the majority are upon as proof.
- The scholars saying on knowing the truth.
- The speech of Imam Layth bn Sa’d
- The comment of Imam Ash-Shafiee on the speech of al-Imam Layth bn Sa’d.
- The speech of Ibn Mas’ud on al-Jama’ah
- The Hadith of the prophet ﷺ on Islaam starting as something strange.
- The speech of Imām Malik bn Anas on Sunnah and the ark of Nuh عليه السلام
- The speech of al-Fudayl bn Iyaad
Questions asked:
- One of the ministers in our country is an innovator who actively calls to his innovation. Is it permissible to refute him, mention his name in the refutation, be harsh against him and warn against him? Would all this not fall under speaking against leaders?
- A man vowed to give charity, can he give the charity to his wife knowing well that his wife would use the charity to cook for the family and he would also eat from this food?
- What is the Islamic stance on Amazon e-commerce?
- When does the time of witr ends?
- What is expected of the listeners when the khateeb becomes silent between the first and second khutbah?
- A person who stammers and whenever the person is saying that adhkaar, there is always difficulties to pronounce some words fluently, no matter how the person tries to be patient in reading out. Would the adhkaar be accepted by Allāh ﷻ due to mispronunciation?
- There is a young sister, 18 years of age that wishes to get married but she is constantly discouraged by family members by referring to her as someone who can’t really cook well and she would be a terrible mother. Now she’s really ashamed to approach her parents as she doesn’t feel like they would accept her wanting to get married. What advice would you give to this young sister?
- Is taking pictures or videos of ones own self with phone or camera haram?
Listen to other lessons in the series HERE