As-salamu alaykum Wa rahmatuLLAAH wa barakaatuH.
May Allaah elongate your lives
Here is a question that reads: What is the ruling on women participating in the Qur’an competition where she recites in front of people, men and women.
The second question says: Is it permissible for her to uncover her face in front of people for this reason? Because she does not see it (covering the face) as obligatory.
There is no doubt that this is wrong. This is one of the evils that must be changed. [The Prophet ﷺ said:] Whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to, then with his tongue, and if he is not able to, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith. The hadith of Abu Saeed as transmitted by Imam Muslim.
The fact that a woman participate in Quran competitions, she stands up [or sits in other cases] to recite in front of the people, men and women, as mentioned in the question. This is not permissible. This is from the gates of trials that was opened upon this Ummah and many people are ignorant of these facts that shaytan opened up to them in the name of participating in the Quran competition, or in the name of good work. The summary is that this is not permissible. As for the people, inform them, let them fear Allaah, the Almighty. And women should fear Allaah the Almighty, that she recites in front of men and in front of women. She reciting the Qur’an and participating in the competition, there is no doubt that this from opening the doors of temptation for people and for women in particular.
If the competition does not entail anything [of what has been mentioned previously], she recites in front of the women. In front of a Haafizdha [female memorizer of the Qur’an woman], a female teacher, she can recite here. Then these competitions do not lead to what looks like gambling. Even if there are prizes, these prizes are distributed by the party that is not participating.
Like having these awards coming from a ministry from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, for example, or the Ministry of Hajj and Endowments, as it is in some countries. And the girls or women are (gifted in order to) encourage them.
And there is no impartiality at all, nor intermingling of the opposite gender, nor the fact that the woman recites in front of men and women. If all these conditions are met, this competition may be permissible. And that it does not lead to enmity, nor to boasting, nor to showing off and seeking reputation. If these competitions are free from such matters and [note] that the fulfillment of these conditions that we have mentioned is one of the most difficult things.
In conclusion, this is not permissible. Alert the women, get the ladies and the girls alerted, so let them stay away from places of temptation.
The Prophet ﷺ commanded us to stay away from the places of temptation, and Allaah says, “Beware of temptation that does not afflict [only] those of you who have wronged in particular.” (Anfal: 25). And the Prophet, ﷺ when he mentioned the emergence of the antichrist Dajjaal, he said: ‘ whoever among you heard him, let him stay away from him” and he mentioned that some people would flee from the trial of the antichrist to the tops of the mountains. These things are a must.
Staying away from temptation, habitats of temptation, places of temptation, and from the sources of temptation. May Allaah bless you.
The second question is, is it permissible for her to uncover her face in front of people for this reason? That is, for the sake of these competitions, and because she has to recite in front of people. Because she did not consider it [using Niqaab] obligatory. If she does not find it obligatory, teach her that, she may be ignorant and may not know this. Teach her with evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah that it is obligatory to cover the face. And it is not permissible for her to reveal her face, not during the competition, while she is participating in the competitions as a student. or other than this. Know this.
And teach the women, teach the ladies, and teach the girls this matter. Then, that she reveals her face in front of people. For the sake of these competitions, the answer may fall under the first answer aforementioned.
The summary on this question is to educate women and spread to them the sayings of scholars, especially those of Sheikh Ibn Baz and Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-‘Uthaymeen on the obligation of covering the face for a female. May Allaah bless you. Teach them and pass on to them the fatwas of scholars on that. And the fatwas of the Standing Committee on that. Spread this among women and among girls. And always do so within your admonishments and guidance. May Allaah bless you.