All praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds. And may He extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels, and grant him peace, likewise to his family, Companions and those who follow him until the Day of Resurrection.
Points discussed during the class:
- The benefits and fruits of Taqwa.
- A reason to be guided with the Qur’ān.
- A reason for success.
- A reason for benefitting from advice and exaltation.
- Gain Iman from Allah.
- Ṭalq bn Ḥabīb on Taqwa.
- Righteousness steming from Taqwa.
- A reason for success
- Having the presence of Allah with you.
- Best provision to be taken to the Aakhirah.
- Above others on the day of judgement.
- Reason for Allah to increase one in knowledge.
- It’s betterment than the whole dunya and it’s desires.
- Having the reward of paradise.
- Gaining the love of Allāh.
- Reason for protection from the on who wants to harm you.
- Actualizing gratitude to Allāh.
- Allāh sending His angels to aid and protect one.
- Gaining knowledge and benefitting from the Qur’ān.
- Patience and Taqwa as a proof of striving and uprightness.
- Reason of being in paradise forever.
- Reason for forgiveness and mercy.
- Reason for actions to be accepted.
- Reason for success and nearness to Allāh.
- Wasilah; that which is allowed and which is not allowed.
- Reason for guidance.
- Reason for the expiation of sins and entrance into paradise.
- Reason for the blessing with halal and khayr.
- Taqwa as the signs of Iman.
- Protection from those who enter into argumentation regarding the signs of Allāh.
- Reason for Rahmah from Allāh.
- Conditions of the muslimah Hijaab.
- Allāh taking away fear and anxiety from one.
- Reason for blessing to descend from the sky and come out from the Earth.
- The best end and praiseworthy end for the believer.
- Rahmah from Allāh
- The Rahmah of Allāh over His creatures.
- The types of Rahmah.
- A reason for insight and reminder when the whispers of shaytan arrives.
- Reason for criterium to know right from wrong.
- Gaining love from Allāh.
- Gaining specific presence from Allah with one.
- Gaining the help of Allāh during difficult times.
- Benefitting from the signs of Allāh.
- Reason to gain level of being a walī (close to Allāh)
- Reason to have glad tidings in this World and the hereafter.
- Reason to repel those who want to harm you.
- Al-Fudayl bn Iyād on the correct deeds.
- Things that are not from Taqwa and those that are from Taqwa.
- Ibn al-Qayyim on sin bringing one closer to Allāh and an obedience taking one away from Allāh.