Tag: innovations

Refutation And Labelling: Why Should I Be Concerned

Shaytān has several ways of beautifying his whispers of false opinions to appear correct to people and make oppression appear to them as justice. From the beautified whispers of Shaytān that has caused many youths to deviate is the statement “I don't want to get myself involved in the issue of who was refuted or labelled, I don't want to know about it.” Shaytan beautifies ...

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Ruling On Seeking Means With The Rank Of The Prophet ﷺ? By Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bn Abdillāh bn Bāz

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LukTEKoRQvI Questioner:What is the Ruling on seeking means with the rank of the Prophet ﷺ, keeping in mind that my brother says: “Verily, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh al-Islām Muhammad bn 'AbdilWahhāb and the Esteemed Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bn Bāz say it is an affair of differing amongst the scholars and the most correct opinion is that, it is detested with a cleansing detestation. ...

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“Islāmic Movies: Facts, Fiction or Faction?”

The so-called “Islamic movies” are more dangerous than the regular movies. Scholars have made explanations regarding watching movies generally and their prohibition is known, as they contain music and gazing at what Allah has prohibited (like women that are not clothed in the proper Hijab and all). Some people know these prohibitions but they get deceived by their whims, desires and misguided scholars that the ...

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