Tag: west

The Muslim Home And The Television

Imām al-Albānī -may Allāh have mercy on him- said: “The television is an accursed Shayṭān in the Muslim home.”¹ Shaykh Ibn Bāz -may Allāh have mercy on him- said: “Watching the television is very dangerous. And I advise with not watching it and not sitting before it, as much as possible. However, if the one watching it has the ability to benefit from the good ...

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The Ideal Islamic Golden Age

There have been several challenges on Muslims to emulate the so-called “Islamic Golden Age” i.e the 8th to 14th century when several books of Latin and Greek were translated to Arabic and Syriac. At this period, many Muslims felt inferior of the true Islamic knowledge, and they see what was with Plato, Socrates and Aristotle to be the classical knowledge because of the scientific benefits ...

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But People Accept Islam Through Watching Diriliş Ertuğrul?

Scholars of Islam had talked about watching movies generally, whether it is related to Islam or not, watching movies include fixing gazes on opposite sex i.e man fixes his gaze on female actresses (who wouldn’t dress in the correct Hijab) and a woman fixes her gaze on male actors and Allah has commanded us to lower our gaze. Watching these movies is a clear transgression. ...

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“Islāmic Movies: Facts, Fiction or Faction?”

The so-called “Islamic movies” are more dangerous than the regular movies. Scholars have made explanations regarding watching movies generally and their prohibition is known, as they contain music and gazing at what Allah has prohibited (like women that are not clothed in the proper Hijab and all). Some people know these prohibitions but they get deceived by their whims, desires and misguided scholars that the ...

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The Authenticity Of The Principle “THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS” By Shaykh Muqbil bn Hadi al Wadi’ee

https://youtu.be/hMUk9MfwfWg Questioner: What is the authenticity of the widespread principle: "the end justifies the means". Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādi’ee: This is a communist principle and it is not an Islāmic principle. As for Islām, no. Sins is a reason for defeat as for the Muslims, they do not take any means except legislated ones and they do not take prohibited means because, it is ...

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Are Earthquakes and Floods Natural Disasters? by Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādi’ee

https://youtu.be/YW7vktbzm2A Questioner: What is the legislative ruling upon the one who says that earthquakes and floods are natural disasters? And do you have a book on this issue? Shaykh Muqbil bn Hādī al-Wādi’ee: All praise is due to Allāh, and may Allāh exalt the mention of our Prophet, Muḥammad and grant him peace, and his household, his companions and those that follow him. And I ...

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Ruling On Wearing Trousers For Women by Shaykh ’Abd al-’Azīz bn Bāz

https://youtu.be/_kspxNbZTc8 Questioner: When is wearing trousers forbidden for women? Shaykh ’Abd al-’Azīz bn Bāz: (As for) trousers, don't wear it, (it is) a wear that resembles that of the disbelievers. (Do) not (wear) trousers and not others like it. It is not for a woman to imitate the disbelievers nor men, and it is not for a man to imitate women or the disbelievers. Questioner: ...

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