Shaykh Sālih Fawzān al-Fawzān said:
“And from the greatest causes of fitnah today is the mixing of women with men in offices, hospitals, schools, business places, buying and selling, parties, seminars and meetings and this is one of the greatest causes of temptation.
Also from the greatest causes of fitnah is the mixing of men and women who display themselves adorned with all kinds of adornments, therefore fitnah is severe.
And due to that, strangeness of the religion will intensify at the end of time, and the one who holds on to his religion will be like the one holding on to burning coals. These are great fitan from which we ask Allāh to save us.
A person may be reached while he is at home and in his bed by means of satellite channels, televisions and mobile phones that display crimes and evils to people and enter their homes.
Therefore, fitnah is severe, and strangeness of the religion is severe. There is no might nor power except by Allāh.
And due to that, many of the youth of the nation, and even men and women of the nation, have been lost. So where has the jealousy gone, O Muslims? How are you pleased that your mahrams enter into these moral dangers for the sake of studying or job? May Allah not bless money after honour.
Abū Tamām says;
“Nay, by Allāh there is no goodness in living …. Nor in this world if shyness is gone.””
Sharh al-‘Ubudiyyah p.141 | Translated by Abū Muḥsinah Mubaarak
Subhannallah! Allah’s aid is sought. This article is completely true.
Maa shaa Allah
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